Partner With Us

Help us support LGBTQI+ communities around the world

There are many ways you can partner with the Safe Space Alliance including corporate partnership, institutional grants, and becoming a LGBTQI+ Partner.

Corporate Partnerships

We partner with businesses, organisations, and their staff, to grow mutually beneficial relationships.

We develop short and long-term partnerships that support and extend the work we do with LGBTQI+ communities and safety whilst supporting your organisational objectives.

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Institutional Grants

We partner with private foundations that support and extend the work we do with LGBTQI+ communities and safety. These partnerships may be project-based and provide the Safe Space Alliance with research, education, technology, and/or operational support.

LGBTQI+ Partners

We partner with LGBTQI+ organisations to support LGBTQI+ communities around the world. LGBTQI+ Partners may help us identify and verify safe spaces, provide on the ground support for safe spaces, and collaborate with us on particular projects.

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If you’d like to partner with the Safe Space Alliance, contact our team for more information.