Site icon Safe Space Alliance



Introducing the Safe Space Alliance

What is the Safe Space Alliance?

The Safe Space Alliance is a LGBTQI+ led nonprofit organisation that aims to help people identify, navigate, and create safe spaces for LGBTQI+ communities worldwide. Being part of the Safe Space Alliance is being part of a global and collaborative safe space community.

What is a safe space?

A safe space is a space where LGBTQI+ communities can freely express themselves without fear. It is a space that does not tolerate violence, bullying, or hate speech towards LGBTQI+ communities.

A safe space does not guarantee 100% safety, rather, it’s a space that has your back if an incident (violence, bullying, or hate speech) were to occur.

How do I list a safe space?

Anyone anywhere in the world with a genuine interest in creating safe spaces for LGBTQI+ communities can list a safe space with us. We welcome and value all spaces regardless of size, location, and category/industry. You can list a physical space (with street address), mobile space (someone that travels around such as a consultant), digital space, and/or heritage space (a safe space of historical significance to LGBTQI+ communities).

Listing with us is free. You also have the option of paid listings with extra features if you’d like to support the work we do as a global LGBTQI+ nonprofit organisation. You can list a space using our online form.

How else can I get involved?

In addition to listing safe spaces, you can:

  • Sponsor our work
  • Become a LGBTQI+ Partner (for LGBTQI+ organisations)
  • Become an Allied Partner (for organisations that have the LGBTQI+ community as one focus among others)
  • Volunteer as part of our Safe Space Volunteer Network (SSVN)
  • Donate

For more information, please visit this page.

Where can I find more information?

For more information, please look at our frequently asked questions section. If you would like to talk to us we would love to hear from you. Please email us here.

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