Site icon Safe Space Alliance

Add a Listing

Add a Listing

Help us grow support for LGBTQI+ communities worldwide

What type of space would you like to add?

Select a space type to begin

Submit your space for verification and approval by the Safe Space Alliance as a safe space for LGBTQI+ communities. We will notify you by email of your results. If successful, your space will be listed in our directory. If not successful, we will explain why and where possible provide guidance on how to re-apply.


Listing with us is free. You also have the option of paid listings with extra features if you’d like to support the work we do as a global LGBTQI+ nonprofit organisation.


Please allow up to 5 working days for verification and approval.

More about space types

Let’s take a closer look at how each space type is defined.

If you have many spaces

Once your first listing is verified and approved you can submit as many additional listings as you like for verification and approval under the same account. You are welcome to complete the form for each space, but it may be easier (depending on the number of spaces) to submit the details of each space to us in one email. For example, you may have a large number of retail stores you want added. If this is the case please contact us to discuss.

Need help?

Please contact us if you have any issues completing the form and/or your space doesn’t fit the format.

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