Site icon Safe Space Alliance

Safe Passage Project

Safe Passage Project

Helping LGBTQI+ people get to safety


We exist in a world where LGBTQI+ people are criminalised, have restrictions on their right to freedom of expression, and do not have constitutional protection against discrimination. This means many LGBTQI+ people feel unsafe where they live and seek to escape where they live to safety.

The Safe Passage Project was created by the Safe Space Alliance in response to this challenge to help LGBTQI+ people get to safety.

If you identify as LGBTQI+ and need help getting to safety, please select the Get Support button and complete our online form.

How it works

We receive many requests from LGBTQI+ people worldwide requesting assistance for safe passage from an unsafe situation. When a request comes in we work with our LGBTQI+ Partner organisations to assess the situation and provide a solution.

What you can do to help

There are many ways you can support this project including: donating, adding a paid listing on our online safe space directory, becoming a sponsor and/or joining the Safe Space Volunteer Network (SSVN). You can learn more here.

More information

General queries

If you have any general questions, comments, or concerns about the Safe Passage Project, please contact the Safe Space Alliance direct at


Media queries

For all media queries please contact us at

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